Beyond Your Bubble: Up Close With the Refugee Crisis
Dec 25, 2015[caption id="attachment_2521" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo by Debra Kellner[/caption]
I have a confession to make. The article you are about to read is not what I originally drafted 2 months ago. That draft was written before my recent trip to Lesbos, Greece where I witnessed the current refugee crisis in living color. What I saw, heard and learned during that trip is almost impossible to articulate in a 1000 word piece. One must see it in person to truly get it.
My draft attempted to draw attention to the refugee crisis taking place in Europe by criticizing the U.S. mainstream media for insufficient coverage. I’d grown incensed by the sporadic interest in this story, where even the heartbreaking images of the body of a three-year-old boy named Aylan Kurdi laying dead on the beach warranted just a few days of news. That the most serious refugee crisis since WW2 couldn’t even begin to compete with the endless presidential campaign coverage, made me just shake my head. But, I discovered I was missing the point.